This beautiful master piece Persian Rug is pure silk and weaved in the city called Qum(Qom). Qum is a holly city in persia and it is known for it's silk rugs around the world. The city is located in the central northern part of persia and has very dry weather very close to the capital city. Qum(Qom) Silk are among the best known and most expensive silk rug around the world. All the Qum(Qom) Silk rug are weaved by using a single knot techniques.
Qum Silk rug are not and can not be mass produced, for this reason it makes them more expensive and they intend to keep their value significantly high and keep increasing their value. People buy them as an investment the same way they do buy gold back in persia.
This beautiful mater piece speak for itself. the colors are very unique with a shiny beige color and very light Rose /cream background makes it very rare piece.